The Four Tendencies: Upholders as Investors
First of all, did you take the quiz? Click here if you want to take it now. Upholders will have taken the quiz because I asked them to, and they are curious about themselves. Obligers will have taken the…
First of all, did you take the quiz? Click here if you want to take it now. Upholders will have taken the quiz because I asked them to, and they are curious about themselves. Obligers will have taken the…
Alert, Dear Readers, I have found religion! No, it is not the International Church of Cannabis that is walking distance from my house. The Good Book to which I near constantly refer is Gretchin Rubin’s The Four Tendencies. This…
Being the ultimate in small businesses, a company of one, I’m always thinking of ways to have higher profit margins without sacrificing customer service or constantly raising prices. Sound familiar? So, here are three ideas from that awesome business coach,…
As a fair and balanced blog writer, this week I am following up a blog about why retirees should not worry about Roth conversions with three reasons why such a move could be a good idea. It’s a nice…
There is so much talk, writing, podcasting, etc. on Roth conversions these days. Ultimately, I don’t feel doing Roth conversion (or not) will materially impact the retirement cash flow of 90% retirees. It might affect their estate plan, but that’s…
A line item that is often bigger than I expect in client budgets is pet care. Okay, face it, it’s dog care. I don’t have a lot of clients with ferrets or llamas and cats are very low maintenance. Herewith,…
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