Back to School for Money
Do you remember how when you started back to school, teachers would spend the first week or so reviewing things you learned last year? Probably to prime the pump for your brain to bring in the new information. In that…
Do you remember how when you started back to school, teachers would spend the first week or so reviewing things you learned last year? Probably to prime the pump for your brain to bring in the new information. In that…
The government just loves to roll out new investment tools and then spend the next 50 years tinkering with the rules. 529 college savings plans are no different. Lately there is good news and bad news on the legislative front.…
There are a lot of myths around 529 plan that keep people from opening an account. I’m not suggesting that everyone must use a 529 account to save for college (see next week’s blog for alternatives). However, it is a…
Writing blogs every week is hard work. Therefore, I love a nice series. Even better when it coincides with a season. August being back-to-school month seemed like a good time to share some college planning info from Michael Van Boening…
What do Warren Buffett and Winston Churchill have in common? Other than being famous, portly white dudes who have looked old since they were 30? It’s their ability to put great life advice into a pithy quote. Here are…
Picking up from last week, this blog is not about predicting the economy. Even the definition of a recession is subject to debate. It’s always good to be ready for a recession, since we don’t know when the next one…
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