Why is Finding a Job so Hard?

It feels like a tale of two economies out there.  On the one hand, headlines talk of lower unemployment claims and plenty of job openings.  On the other hand, clients from experienced professionals to my teenaged kids are sending out 100 resumes and barely getting a look. What is up?  Here are some insights: Economic…

Why Do Banks Fail?

Is it safe to write about the banking crises that almost was?  I try not to feed into the media frenzy when financial news is freaking people out.  Maybe we can look back now and see what happened and if you should (or should not) worry about the banking system. First, why do banks fail? …

A Fond Farewell to 2022

You’ve raised a glass and sung Auld Ang Syne (I hope, after the last blog you did!), and now it’s time to say goodbye to 2022.  What are we leaving behind?   Culture The Mirriam-Webster dictionary word of the year was Gaslighting.  Defined as “the act or practice of grossly misleading someone especially for one’s…