My name is Kristi Sullivan and I have been helping people achieve financial security since 1996. I am a fee-only financial planner and public speaker. I do no investment or insurance sales for commissions. My clients pay me for guidance through their financial questions. I also work with employers to educate their employees about personal finance.
I have been helping people make financial decisions for 18 years. I have worked in employee benefits and with individual clients/families. I hold the Certified Financial Planner designation. Sullivan Financial Planning, LLC is a Registered Investment Advisory firm with the State of Colorado. Areas of expertise include prioritizing savings goals, investment allocation, and wealth manager searches.
Do you find it hard to understand financial experts? I don’t blame you! That’s why I helped U.S. News and World Report decode the terms you might hear. Say what? “Meeting with a financial professional can be key to getting your finances on track. But one thing that doesn’t make it easier: When your…
If you are an active mom on Facebook, this is old news. If you are like me and employ someone to be active for you on Facebook (I’m talking to you Social Seed Marketing), you won’t have heard of this yet. If your kid gets in trouble, there are fewer ways of dealing with…
This one came out around Christmas from Fox Business, but it’s a concept worth thinking about whenever gift-giving opportunities arise. While it’s long been possible to hand out cash, buy stock or contribute to college savings plans, financial institutions and retailers are making it easier to bestow a gift with lasting value. Among them…
If you are anything like me, you are still doing your 2017 business planning. Yes, we were supposed to be good little soldiers and start this back in October of 2016, but that doesn’t make it too late to implement ideas to increase our top-line revenue this year. To help us all out, I…
Who was interviewed by Liz Weston with the Associated Press? Me, that’s who! Financial planners and credit counselors see plenty of examples. The grown son who lost a job, moved home and stopped looking for work. The daughter who constantly mismanaged her checking account — and turned to payday lenders when parents stopped covering…
This week, I am thrilled to get the expertise of Jenny Glick to talk about love and money. Jenny Glick, MA, MSC, LMFT is a licensed marriage and family therapist, sex therapist and owner of the Counseling Center of Cherry Creek. She and her team of therapists focus on working with couples and individuals looking…
The editorial team at ETF Reference surveyed 57 ETF investing experts in search of the best tips for exchange-traded fund investors. The response we received was incredible. Our panel sent us hundreds of amazing tips! We winnowed that list down to101, which are presented below. We asked our panel, “What is the one piece…
How long will your savings last? What an uplifting question! But in retirement planning, it is probably the MOST IMPORTANT question and the most impossible to answer. If we all knew how long our savings would need to last, it would be so easy to determine how much we could afford to spend…
I was thrilled to be named one of Credit Donkey’s Best Investing Blogs for 2016: With so many investing sites out there clogging the Internet with fluff and unclear directives, you can easily get lost. We help you find your way by featuring the very best investing blogs and resources that can help you make…
According to a survey of 5,000 people by GoBankingRates in 2016 the top five New Year’s Resolutions were: Enjoy Life to the Fullest Live a Healthier Lifestyle Lose Weight Spend more time with family and friends Spend less, save more In order to achieve Resolutions 2 and 3, many people joined a new…