My name is Kristi Sullivan and I have been helping people achieve financial security since 1996. I am a fee-only financial planner and public speaker. I do no investment or insurance sales for commissions. My clients pay me for guidance through their financial questions. I also work with employers to educate their employees about personal finance.
I have been helping people make financial decisions for 18 years. I have worked in employee benefits and with individual clients/families. I hold the Certified Financial Planner designation. Sullivan Financial Planning, LLC is a Registered Investment Advisory firm with the State of Colorado. Areas of expertise include prioritizing savings goals, investment allocation, and wealth manager searches.
Working for yourself means giving up certain benefits, like a workplace retirement plan. But when it comes to saving for old age, you still have plenty of choices. Which retirement account you choose depends on how much you earn and the amount you want to contribute in any given year, financial planners say. Here…
Sorry, this is not like a fortune cookie where I reveal your lucky numbers (“Confucius says buy stocks on days 14, 28, 200, and 360 of the year.”). Rather, here is a quick update on new retirement savings limits and other info you can use when planning your financial year.* You are doing that right…
Financial planning is the process by which a person or family works with a financial professional to set goals, financial and otherwise, and to develop a plan for meeting them. A Certified Financial Planner™ (CFP®) is trained to develop a plan to serve as that map or GPS. And the CFP™ designation means they must…
Faced with longer life expectancies, a savings shortfall and skyrocketing medical bills, retirees are increasingly reluctant to transfer assets to their children during their lifetime—lest they need that money to make ends meet. Where excess assets exist when they die, many are also more likely to give to a worthy cause or skip their children…
This one goes out to all you small business owners out there. We are gearing up for tax season and your CPA is likely giving you the following advice: Report as little income to yourself as possible to avoid self- employment and income taxes. Of course, that advice has some merit. Who doesn’t…
As we head into shorter, colder days, what are some things you can do to keep Old Man Depression away but not break the bank? These ideas will warm you like a comfy sweater! Rent snowshoes and go for an outdoor hike. Snowshoes can be rented for $15 or less at many outdoor stores. …
Marcum Financial Services quotes Kristi on the 10 Steps to Achieve Your Retirement Goals. From Social Security to saving, these tips can help make your money last. Everybody wants to be safe from the buffeting that life can inflict upon retirement plans – to have the financial resilience to bounce back when things go…
Happy almost 2017! Below is my annual financial to-do list to help you achieve a more prosperous balance sheet in the New Year. 1: Use an online tool or app to track your spending. Try to cut one discretionary category (eating out, birthday gifts, vacations) by 10% and save that money for retirement or…
Striving to improve our lives is part of being human. We all have things, personal and professional, we want to accomplish, goals we want to achieve, things we want to change about ourselves. That’s why we have the New Year’s resolution. Wavering in our resolve is also part of being human, which is why New…
Let’s face it there are just some traits you are born with. For example, you are either a runner or not a runner. I fall firmly in the not runner camp. You are a dog/cat/reptile/no-pet person. You are a saver or a spender. You are a morning person or a night owl. You are an…