My name is Kristi Sullivan and I have been helping people achieve financial security since 1996. I am a fee-only financial planner and public speaker. I do no investment or insurance sales for commissions. My clients pay me for guidance through their financial questions. I also work with employers to educate their employees about personal finance.
I have been helping people make financial decisions for 18 years. I have worked in employee benefits and with individual clients/families. I hold the Certified Financial Planner designation. Sullivan Financial Planning, LLC is a Registered Investment Advisory firm with the State of Colorado. Areas of expertise include prioritizing savings goals, investment allocation, and wealth manager searches.
Dear Readers, Allow me to introduce you to estate planning attorney Brandon Rains. Brandon is an experienced estate planning and business planning attorney practicing in the Denver Metro and Fort Collins areas of Colorado. The Rains’ Law Firm values include Compassion, Comprehensiveness, Family First, Integrity, and Purposefulness. Brandon has kindly answered my questions…
As financial advisors, we can be worried about offending our clients. We may not tell you the hard truths when you are dithering about your accounts going down. The tendency to handle clients with kid gloves could be harmful because we don’t just tell it like it is. I think you can handle it.…
Anxiety. We’ve all got it. Germs, jobs, raising kids, Russian invasions; the reasons for sleepless nights are endless. I can’t cure them all, but here are some ideas if your worry set is centered on being retired. Fear #1: Running out of money. Pretty much all other worries fall under this one. Solution: Meet…
Here are some examples of how your CPA is feeling right about now: A 2-week-old bar of soap in a public bathroom in the 1980s. A cast member of The Walking Dead – zombie or apocalypse survivor, your choice. A parent of colicky triplets. Add in a labor shortage and clients getting documents…
What do different sized nest eggs mean your financial security? Having several hundred thousand dollars saved is a huge accomplishment, but do you know the sustainable annual income those savings will support? Let’s take Abimelech: He is aged 66 ish, eligible for his full Social Security benefit. The average Social Security payment in 2021…
Welcome back to my WTF (What the Finance) series! Are you experiencing FOMO because all your friends are talking about investing in Qualified Opportunity Zones at parties and you aren’t in the action? Probably not. But, if you want to be the smarty pants friend at the hoe down, here is a very basic…
Here in Colorado, the spring season can mean anything from blizzards to heat waves. To jolly you along, enjoy 5 funny tweets about Spring. The weather is warming up so now the kids can finally go outside and get some fresh air while they play on their phones. – Rodney Lacroix It’s the…
Where are people missing the boat when it comes to marketing their business? In other words, what tools should people be using more? Trying to market your business without any strategy, plan, or even goal in mind. Entrepreneurs tend to do copycat marketing, which often leaves them spinning their wheels without seeing results. I recommend to anyone who doesn’t…
In last week’s blog, I referenced a study that says more money = more retirement happiness up to $4,000,000. That seems like a huge goal, and truly, it’s not for everyone, but I thought I’d use that statistic to run some numbers. First, what does $4,000,000 mean in terms of retirement income? See the…
This week, I’m using data from the Health and Retirement Study to talk about what makes retirees happy and what detracts from enjoyment. This study was begun in 1994 and tracked 20,000 retirees through 2018.* The conclusions were that there are three core pillars of retirement happiness: Money (obviously), Health, and Relationship with Peers…