My name is Kristi Sullivan and I have been helping people achieve financial security since 1996. I am a fee-only financial planner and public speaker. I do no investment or insurance sales for commissions. My clients pay me for guidance through their financial questions. I also work with employers to educate their employees about personal finance.
I have been helping people make financial decisions for 18 years. I have worked in employee benefits and with individual clients/families. I hold the Certified Financial Planner designation. Sullivan Financial Planning, LLC is a Registered Investment Advisory firm with the State of Colorado. Areas of expertise include prioritizing savings goals, investment allocation, and wealth manager searches.
The pandemic has shown investors is that reading the tea leaves regarding economic indicators doesn’t always translate to obvious investment decisions. Unemployment is high, small businesses are closing left and right, our nation’s history of a peaceful transfer of power is in question, and the stock market touches record highs. What gives? This is…
While eating a breakfast burrito (when all the best ideas strike), I was lamenting my inability to convince the world of the importance of staying in their stock investments even when the value is going down. People SAY they can handle volatility, but when a little thing like a pandemic or election comes along, their…
Making New Year’s Resolutions seems silly to many. Too vague, forgotten by February, setting yourself up for disappointment, blah, blah. After 2020, making plans of any kind feels ridiculous. But, if you don’t set goals, it’s unlikely you will achieve them. Herewith, a list of ten financial resolutions I hope some of you will…
This week, I’m tapping into the expertise of Denver Realtor Renee Cohen with Coldwell Banker. With such a hot market, it’s important to have all the information you need before you start your search (or list your home)! What goes on behind the scenes when there are multiple offers on a house and how…
Anyone but me ready to wave goodbye to your house for a week or two? This week I’m pleased to interview Jayne Evert, travel expert extraordinaire, and owner of Go Travel With Jayne to discuss travel trends and ideas for 2021 and beyond. Q: Jayne what do you foresee happening in travel in the…
If you don’t laugh, you may cry. As there have been many opportunities to make that choice this year, let me make the first option a little easier. Herewith, 5 funny tweets about 2020 and 1 recipe to bring to a small, socially distanced gathering. My 2020 gratitude journal is written entirely in profanity…
Think all workers can participate in a retirement plan? Think again! According to a 2019 study by the Pension Rights Center* out of 139 million full and part-time workers, only 56% are participating in a work sponsored retirement plan. Only 12% of employers with less than 100 employees even offer a 401(k) plan**. As…
This week I am thrilled to interview real estate attorney and fellow volunteer Jill Klancke of Klancke and Cook Attorneys at Law. Jill’s bio and contact information follows the interview, but for the sake of newsletter formatting I want to get straight to the Q&A. Turns out, real estate attorneys have a front row…
Have Suze Orman, Jim Kramer, or Dave Ramsay ever encouraged you to use the back door? No, not a sexy affair with a finance celebrity! I’m talking about a Backdoor Roth Contribution. First, some basics Roth IRAs allow you to contribute up to $6,000 per year ($7,000 if you are aged 50+) to an…
Ah, 2020. In hindsight, it won’t seem so bad. Or it will. Who knows, but here are some new milestones we have reached so far this year. These are in no particular order and you can decide if they are good or more signs of the coming apocalypse. Bush’s Beans created a record-breaking 70-Layer dip…