My name is Kristi Sullivan and I have been helping people achieve financial security since 1996. I am a fee-only financial planner and public speaker. I do no investment or insurance sales for commissions. My clients pay me for guidance through their financial questions. I also work with employers to educate their employees about personal finance.
I have been helping people make financial decisions for 18 years. I have worked in employee benefits and with individual clients/families. I hold the Certified Financial Planner designation. Sullivan Financial Planning, LLC is a Registered Investment Advisory firm with the State of Colorado. Areas of expertise include prioritizing savings goals, investment allocation, and wealth manager searches.
In this AARP article, Kristi offers a key tip when it comes to achieving your retirement goals! “Whether you’re near or in retirement, beware of taking on large expenses that can wreck your budget. This includes….”(click here for more) Contact me at 303-324-0014 or [email protected] to talk about how I can help you achieve your financial goals. Stay…
And you thought college was expensive? Try sending a 5th grader back to school. The average reported costs for back-to-school supplies varies widely, depending on the source. Forbes says it’s over $1,000, but that includes electronics and clothes. was reporting $100, so they might have been more focused on pencils, paper, and hand sanitizer.…
My friend and fellow Denver CFP ® licensee Sara Gardner came up with this tip for an article in and it really hit home: Everyone deserves a financial planner. Often, my friends will say to me, “When I have money, I’m going to come and see you.” This makes me a little sad. …
I’m excited to be quoted in this article by Shelly Schwartz in about boomers not wanting (or being able to) leave an inheritance for their kids. Do you think you’re in the will? Well, guess again Contact me at 303-324-0014 or [email protected] to talk about how I can help you achieve your financial goals. Stay Informed and…
Does anyone remember the old Saturday Night Live skits with Gilda Radner as Rosanna Rosanna Danna? Her famous line was, “It’s always something.” Keep this in mind when the headlines scream about some unexpected world event (Brexit, anyone?) and the stock market takes a hit for a few days. Even if the event itself is…
Well, it’s not a big quote, or super-intelligent for that matter, but I’ll take any quote in Bloomberg. Contact me at 303-324-0014 or [email protected] to talk about how I can help you achieve your financial goals. Stay Informed and Educated — Subscribe to the SFP Blog! Use the quick and easy form to the right of this article.
Okay it’s the middle of summer and some of us may be questioning some major life choices – like the decision to procreate. Here are some funny quotes about parenting to distract you for a few minutes. “If you don’t want your kid to be late for camp because ‘the cat isn’t being…
While the category can provide an alternative to traditional asset classes, high fees and lack of liquidity may mean too much risk for the uninitiated. Here I am NOT recommending wine as a long term investment strategy. Wine as a short term drinking strategy – yes! Contact me at 303-324-0014 or [email protected] to talk about how…
Why should a financial adviser be writing about pets? Because people will open a link about pets more often than a link about money. So, I’ll write about pets and money. First, do you know how much you spend on pet care? If not, I’ll give you a few averages that I lifted from this…
Do you suspect you are under-insured for life’s surprises? Attached is a good article about overlooked types of insurance where I am quoted as advocating for using umbrella policies. Contact me at 303-324-0014 or [email protected] to talk about how I can help you achieve your financial goals. Stay Informed and Educated — Subscribe to the SFP Blog! Use…