Maybe You Don’t Hate Work, You Just Need a Weirder Job

Thanks to alert reader and social media expert Catherine Tidd for bringing to my attention an article about unusual jobs.

Many clients would do anything to retire tomorrow but can’t afford it.  Maybe I need to have some handy alternative careers ready.  In some cases, it’s much better to make less money at work you enjoy and do it for longer than try to grind it out to the detriment of your mental and physical health in the high paying job you hate.

The above is NOT personal financial advice, so don’t go quitting your brain surgery job to become a mime without consulting with your financial advisor first.  Those 4 kids you have in private school may make your high paying misery an imperative.  More on limiting life choices in the accompanying video.

Here are a few occupations that might go from side hustle to full-time gig.

  1. Legal Bank Robber: Be the one to test bank security.  Good news!  This one can be done in-person (Can you write off your mask purchase as a business expense?), or online from home as cyber hacks become an ever increasing threat.
  1. Online Dating Ghostwriter: Having read profiles from friends’ matches, I can attest to the horrific grammar of people trying to connect online.  This may not be the turn-off to the public that it is to me, but there is also a strong need for better online handles, descriptions of self, and general presentation online that may help our low birthrate if addressed by professionals.
  1. Paper Towel Sniffer: Now this one has some legs at a potential salary of $32,000/year.  Not living at the Ritz Carlton but imagine the life satisfaction you would have by preventing people from the agony of buying bad-smelling paper towels.



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