What Makes Retirees Happy?

This week, I’m using data from the Health and Retirement Study to talk about what makes retirees happy and what detracts from enjoyment.  This study was begun in 1994 and tracked 20,000 retirees through 2018.*   The conclusions were that there are three core pillars of retirement happiness:  Money (obviously), Health, and  Relationship with Peers…

Regret Theory

“Regret theory suggests investors who sell at the wrong time and miss out on gains experience regret that affects their judgment, leading to subsequent market-timing mistakes,” says Sarah Newcomb, behavioral economist for research firm Morningstar and author of the book “Loaded: Money, Psychology, and How to Get Ahead Without Leaving Your Values Behind.”   Reading…

Three Reasons Why Roth Conversions Don’t Make Sense for Retirees

There is so much talk, writing, podcasting, etc. on Roth conversions these days.  Ultimately, I don’t feel doing Roth conversion (or not) will materially impact the retirement cash flow of 90% retirees.  It might affect their estate plan, but that’s another blog for another week.  Specifically next week.   Here are three reasons I think…