Part 2 – Explaining the Difficulty of Using Probability of Success to Apply to Your Spending

Waaayyyy back in the day, when I worked for a large discount brokerage that shall remain unnamed, but was headquartered in Boston, and still shall remain unnamed, management introduced a groundbreaking new software called the Retirement Income Planner. The irony that our new offering for those transitioning to retirement was called R.I.P. was not lost…

Anchors Aweigh

This month, I am going to rudely interrupt your sunny summer activities with a reminder that financial storms can always happen.  However, to build emotional resilience against investment losses, it’s good to exercise your “I can ignore it and not make bad investment decision” muscle before you need to use it. When calculating financial projections…

What is a Normal Stock Market?

I get an e-newsletter by a smart financial advisor named Jay Mooreland.  His focus is not on beating the markets or beating our clients into submission about saving enough.  It’s about recognizing how our brains work, often contrary to our best interests, to sabotage our progress in personal finance. Jay recently addressed a Wall Street…

Save More in ’24!

Who wants to think about saving more for retirement during the fun of holiday shopping?  You do!   The IRS, that go-to fun squad for gifts that keep on giving, has adjusted the maximum for retirement savings in 2024.  The time to get your percentages and autopayments adjusted is now!  Here is what is in…