Five Tips for Career Reentry

Last week we talked about how a financial advisor can help families calculate the effects of a breadwinner stopping work for a while.  But, what we can’t do is find you that dream, high-paying, low stress job after a career break.

Luckily, the internet can help!  Here are 5 tips for before and during the job search if you are looking to get back to work after an extended absence.


  1. Update your skills and knowledge: Websites like Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, and Udemy are a good place to start looking for a class or certification opportunity in your field.

2.  Volunteer or Intern: Hey, if Robert DeNiro can do it, so can you.  It may feel weird or like going backwards, but practical experience that is fresh can help hiring managers look past the work gap.



3.  Spin up your network: You probably have huge fans from your past work life.  Don’t be shy about reaching out and letting them know you are looking to get back in the game.

A great trick to connect without asking for a ton of time:  Offer a 30-minute Virtual Coffee and create a way to schedule easily using Calendly or other online scheduler.  You will look up-to-date on workplace technology, while making catching up easy for the person for whose time you are asking.

4.  Returnship Programs: Did you even know there was such a thing?  I didn’t.  Returning to work is such a big phenomenon there are actual programs to help support it.

Returnships are designed to help individuals relaunch their careers after a break.  The idea is to smooth a path for professionals to return to the workforce without having to start all over again.  Search for Returnships on company websites where you are interested in applying.

5.  LinkedIn! If you are rusty on how to best position your experience and professional brand on LinkedIn, this may be worth hiring someone to help you.  LinkedIn is a huge source of hiring and seeking jobs and if your profile looks outdated and is missing keywords, it will hinder your search.


And for the sake of all that is holy, get an updated, professional headshot for all social media and online applications.

Looking for a job is always challenging.  After an employment break, it may seem daunting.  Remember, good people always find jobs, and my newsletter readers are always good people, so I have every confidence in your success.



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