Holiday Mad Libs!

If conversation should get slow (or political), use this handy holiday Mad Libs to lighten up the atmosphere.


Holiday Mad Libs

Each year my family and I (verb) _________________  to our grandparents’ (noun) ___________________to celebrate (name of holiday) _____________________.

The weather can sometimes be (adjective) ________________________, so we start out early.  We love to (verb) __________________ and (verb) ____________ to make the time in the car pass (adverb) ____________________.

It’s all worth it when we arrive and are greeted by Grandma wearing her signature (adjective) ______________ dress and smell the delicious (noun)_____________ roasting in the oven.

Grandpa always decorates the house using (adjective) _________________ lights and statues of (plural noun) _________________________ in the yard to add to the (adjective) ______________ atmosphere.

After a hearty meal, we engage in a spirited round of (game) _______________ in which there is usually one (adjective) ___________________ injury.  After bandaging up the wounded, we pack up and head back (place) _______________.

The memories of time spent with (noun) _______________, laughter, and eating (adjective) _____________ food will keep us warm until our next gathering.



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