Great Social Security Estimating Tool

Even financial planners have a rough time getting Social Security information.  I recently tried to log in to my Social Security account and was told that an account couldn’t be created for my Social Security Number.  “Please contact us for help!”  So, I called the number, interacted for about 5 minutes with the robot on the line, and then was told that my wait to speak to a representative as 55 minutes.  Awesome!

Then, I remembered reading about a Social Security tool provided by Financial Engines.  I tried it out and it was GREAT!  You don’t have to enter a bunch of personal information – only what is necessary to run your analysis.  And it did a file-and-suspend example for me that really explained how that process works.  Of course, the estimates won’t be as accurate as you would get by logging on to the Social Security website, but if you don’t want to wait an hour to speak to someone about your password issues, I recommend giving this tool a try.

This is absolutely going in my Favorites bar for website pages.  Right next to the US Weekly link!

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