
Business Owners – Make More $$ in 2017!

If you are anything like me, you are still doing your 2017 business planning.  Yes, we were supposed to be good little soldiers and start this back in October of 2016, but that doesn’t make it too late to implement ideas to increase our top-line revenue this year.


To help us all out, I enlisted a guest for this week’s blog.  Robyn Frahm from The Social Crew offers these tips:


5 Things Your 2017 Marketing Must Have

Before you start panicking about the new year and your marketing plan, we’re here to help you stay organized and guide you through it. We’re The Social Crew, we help small local businesses navigate the stressful (and time consuming) waters of online digital marketing.

Here are 5 “must have” tips for marketing your business this year:

  1. Be mobile friendly: Although most businesses have already jumped on board to this essential digital requirement, there are still some websites out there that aren’t compatible to view on mobile devices such as phones and tablets. If you’ve still got your head in the sand, it’s time to move forward with the rest of the world – 80% of whom are actively searching and shopping online. If your website isn’t mobile friendly, you’ll miss out on business and may as well kiss good-Google-rankings good-bye.
  1. Make a plan: There’s no point saying 2017 is going to be a great year for business when you haven’t put any plans or campaigns together. Set some time aside and have a look at your hits and misses over 2016 and learn from it. Get a plan in place for campaigns and content to stick. You’ll find that you will feel much more in control and organized if you have a structured plan in place for the year. And remember, content DOES matter because search engines look for sites that have regular, and fresh content.
  1. Use Videos: Businesses are getting more used to the idea of video, which means the application will become only more frequent. Video can be used for much more than just content marketing, but also as the front-liner of the brand identity. Especially LIVE VIDEO; it’s an unfiltered, unedited look at the culture of your business and lets customers feel they have an immediate connection.
  1. Hashtags really do work: #Hashtags are an important way to promote your business across social platforms by connecting it to searches and discovery relevant to your target audience. Businesses use #hashtags to attract new customers and grow their online presence. Users searching a #hashtag can come across your account and become new followers or potential customers.
  1. SEO: Our favorite 3 letters, S E O. Search Engine Optimization is a big chunk of the pie when it comes to the success of your website reaching your targeted audience. There is a lot involved in understanding and implementing SEO but it is an essential element that must be used.

If you have questions, we’d love to hear from you at or call 720-310-5089.

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