tiny house

The Cost of Retirement: Who says a tiny house is bad?

Up until now…I did.


Would you ever consider moving into a tiny house when you retire? Up until now, I thought that the tiny house movement was going to lead to an even higher divorce rate!


Well, it turns out I’m not always right.  Shocker!  For those of you who read my rant about Tiny Houses in the blog about ways that I will not personally save money, there is a powerful rebuttal in this article from Time magazine.


The article talks about how over-55 trailer parks are gaining popularity in Florida.  Of course, Florida is a prime retirement destination, but many people haven’t saved enough to afford both the house AND the green fees.  The solution?  Cozy retirement trailers in parks with like-minded seniors.

Does this really work?


The cheery interviewees cite a very low cost of housing combined with lots of community activities (billiards, swimming pool, bunko!).  All with the security of having neighbors looking out for each other since everyone is in the same boat – aging.


Just goes to show you that keeping an open mind as we transition from one life stage to the next is probably the best thing we can do for our physical and financial health.

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